Prism chair
Early CAD research, polyester lacquer effects
Victoria & Albert Museum, Carnegie Museum of Art,
Lewis Collection VMFA Richmond Virginia

Pyramid Chair
Pyramids keep you sharp:
original in indigo yellow and green
Portsmouth City Museum

Smoker's bow
Adjusted version, a pair in red, yellow and indigo
Temple Newson House, Leeds Museum

Hydraulic Table
Dockland industrial imagery
City of Leeds Museums

Sensory separator
Educational tool - touch before seeing
Tyne & Wear Museums

The Stalks
3D images, travelling show
various museums

Tutankhamun Chair
Egyptian styling, industrial imagery
City of Leeds Museums

Star Wars table
Hydrofoil meets cellar light
Birmingham Museum

Cyfarthfa Castle Museum
Reception and information desk
Cyfarthfa Castle Museum

Interpenetrating geometry
purchased by Contemporary Art
Society for Tyne & Wear Museums

Freeform 3D lamination and bird flight
Crafts Council Collection

Hove Table
Wraparound, camouflage
Brighton & Hove Museum

Bay City Roller
Modern baroque, tartan inlay, scroll lamination
Shipley Art Gallery, Gateshead